Fun Kids Handmade Father's Day Gifts Plus Bonus Poems!



Shoot, shoot, shoot the puck,
Swiftly down the ice.
Slip it past the other goalie -
Wouldn't that be nice!
Father's Day is coming up fast.  I thought I would share some of the ideas my kids in my arts and crafts class came up with.  I have included some great Father's Poems you can use.  Enjoy!
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My Dad and I Have Super Powers

My Dad and I have super powers

I bet you didn’t know

And when we are together

Our special powers grow

I have the gift of flight

To soar, leap and bound

I can hover in the sky

And never touch the ground

I am growing stronger too

With each passing hour

I can even save the day

With my super powers

Dad’s arms help me reach

The things I cannot touch

His Love and guidance carry me

I can look up to him so much

And even when I’m all grown up

I know that I’ll be glad,

That I had my own super hero

My best friend, My Dad!

For #1 Dad use masking tape to print out message.  Paint any style, let dry and remove tape.

Daddy, I Love You…

Daddy, I Love you

For all that you do.

I’ll kiss and hug you

‘Cause you Love me too!

You feed me and need me

To teach you to play

So smile “cause I Love You

On this Father’s Day!


Walk With Me, Daddy

Walk alongside me, Daddy

And hold my little hand

I have so many things to learn

That I don’t yet understand

Teach me things to keep me safe

From dangers everyday

Show me how to do my best

At home, at school, at play

Every child needs a gentle hand

To guide them as they grow

So walk alongside me, Daddy

We have a long way to go!




