Interactive Learning Games: Effective Ways to Smart Kids

Interactive learning games enable kids to enhance their muscle strength through activities that are full of energy. It is a perfect way to stabilize their gross motor skills. Kids should work on their gross motor skills in preparation for their fine motor skills development. These two, gross motor skills and fine motor skills are both essential in child physical, emotional and social development. 


Why interactive games?

Interactive games involve physical strength, movements of the body, joints and muscles. Games like kicking and throwing balls, jumping through letters and number cards, or simply walking and dancing are fun interactive games. 


Benefits of Interactive Learning Games for Kids


Active learning motivates kids to learn more than textbooks and lectures. It challenges kids in a wide spectrum of subject matter that can be related to their real environment, their real life situations. 


Win or lose kids learn to accept and manage different situations through interactive games. Physically and mentally, kids learn the process of self-control and self-direction. It motivates kids to deal with the strategies and how to accept failures and frustrations.


Interactive learning games like role playing and simulations rehearsed the kids in their present situations. It helps them better understand and prepare for real life challenges. It teaches the kids to solve problems with their own reasoning. 


Group interactive games are also interesting and beneficial to kids. Especially shy kids, introvert, means they need enough time to get into the crowd. Group interactive games teach kids to absorb ideas, situations and their social interaction. It helps them build up character traits: sportsmanship, politeness, confidence and friendliness.



As Parents, How to Involve Yourself to Kids Interactive Learning Games


Parents and teachers serve as the role model for kids to get active into learning. In schools, interactive games are part of teaching the kids while they recover from boredom. Teachers are enthusiasts in introducing new games that catches attention.


At home as parents, we are responsible in supporting our kids even out of school. In just a few minutes a day, try to break down your time table and insert time to play, read and have fun with your kids. Plan and also motivate yourself to participate in a learning game with your kids. Sometimes it is relaxing to act like youre a preschooler. In this way kids also challenge to show off their full potential in winning a game or advancing to the next level. 


Give them a chance to win and have time to talk and deal with their achievements. Sometimes giving a reward to inspire them to study harder and do better. Sometimes let them lose the game, this is important to teach them how to accept failures. Here is your chance to comfort and explain what else to do in order to win. And let them understand that even losing the game more chances are still yet to come. Explain to them that in every games there is always a winner and a looser. Give them alternatives to push through working hard next time. 


Usually kids don't want to lose, expect that they will want another rematch and will want to start the game all over again. Accept the challenge and you'll see they are even more active.


Bottom line is:


To enhance your kids physical, emotional and mental abilities, support and encourage them to play interactive learning games. This is an effective way to flourish the kids that has proven to have positive outcome. Kids are considered smart if they are physically, emotionally and mentally developed. 


The time you spend with your kids from learning, playing and a happy family life is precious. Kids will treasure those times. It is the golden memories your kids will be proud of. 


 Lori Ann Reeve
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